I invite you to a presentation on my work to take place on February 13 at Temple Sinai in Brookline Massachusetts, and on Zoom.
I invite you to a gallery talk at my solo exhibition, Land of Painting, on Tuesday, November 26, 2024.
My solo exhibition, Land of Painting, opens on November 16, 2024 at the Umm el-Fahem Museum of Art.
I invite you to the group exhibition Weaving Magic: Carpets from the Orient, opening on July 25, 2024 at the Museum of Islamic Art in Jerusalem.
The group exhibition "Derech Eretz: Between Yavne, Zippori and Jerusalem" will open at the Jerusalem Theater on March 18, 2024, part of the Jerusalem Spring Biennale.
I invite you to Derech Eretz, a group exhibition taking place in two venues: The Art Studio Gallery in Yavne (opens April 21)_ and Oryytya Gallery in Hoshaya (opens May 5).
I am honored to have two paintings included in a compilation marking 75 years of Israeli independence.
Pulse, a duo exhibition of paintings by Ruth Kestenbaum Ben-Dov and Lea Bar Sella, opens September 2, 2022 at 11am, and will be on view until November 19, 2022.
A new article by Dr, Ktzia Alon entitled "On the 'Hidden' (and surprising) Father in the Work of Ruth Kestenbaum Ben-Dov"
Two (Hebrew) articles by David Sperber on art and sovereignty discuss work from my Remembrance series.
Diverse artistic reactions to the Ten Commandments in a morning of study and music on Friday, April 29, 2022 at the Kupferman Collection House, 10am to 12:30pm.
Gallery talk at my solo exhibition "The Acrobat", with curator Ron Bartos, on Friday, March 25, 2022, at 11am.
I invite you to my solo exhibition, The Acrobat, opening on Friday, March 4 at Alma - Home for Hebrew Culture in Tel Aviv. Curator: Ron Bartos.
My article about the painting Ki Tetzeh, When you go out to war, appears in AJS Perspectives. The painting touches on my experience as a mother of soldiers.
I invite you to the group exhibition Commandments and Commentary, which opens on February 12, 2022 at the Kupferman Collection House
Rooftop Paintings feature in an article by me in Mitzpe Magazine, entitled "Two Paintings, Two Communities".
I invite you to the group exhibition, Hearing Silence, opening on Thursday, November 18, in Jerusalem.
Group exhibition opening November 5, 2021 at the Oryyta Gallery, Hoshaya, in conjunction with the Jerusalem Biennale.
Video recording of my birthday art zoom, focusing on the theme of presence in painting.
A zoom talk about almost sixty years of painting. Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 6:30 PM in English, and 8:30 PM in Hebrew (Israel time).
The Painter and the Hassid, my painting from 2008, appears on the cover of a new book (2021) by Tzachi Cohen on Talmudic literature.
"She and I 1", my painting from 2007, is on the cover of "To Have and to Hold" (2021), a new poetry book by Sarit Eini Rich.
Contemporary Israeli portraiture is the focus of the Salon of Painting 2020, with works by 181 artists, including my Self Portrait for a New Year 2017.
A new group exhibition includes my painting Prayer Rug 3.
The exhibition Field of Vision has been extended through the end of August 2020.
Article about artist Malva Schalek includes works of mine in dialogue with her self-portrait.
Poetry books by Linda Zisquit and Tsuriel Assaf feature my landscape paintings and drawings.
Field of Vision, a group exhibition curated by Dalia Levin, opens February 1, 2020 at the Kupferman Collection.
Art in the Living Room, a discussion about home galleries, including a short talk by me. December 20, 2019 at 10:30 AM, Oranim College, Tivon.
Open house and sale of works by Ruth Kestenbaum Ben-Dov, on October 15, 2019, starting at 5:30 PM at Artspace Gallery in Jerusalem.
Group exhibition opening on October 15, 2019, part of the Jerusalem Bienalle for contemporary Jewish art.
Group exhibition in the Maalot Arts Center, opening September 16, 2019.
Last chance to see this show of work by Jewish and Arab Israeli women artists. Thursday, July 11, 2019 at Beit Hagefen Gallery in Haifa.
This group exhibition of women artists opens on Thursday, March 28, 2019, at Beit Hagefen, Haifa.
I will present my research on Kupferman's ink sketches - From Landscape to Signature. February 19, at the Kubiya Art School in Jerusalem.
A painting of mine will be included in this exhibition honoring thinker Jacqueline Kahanoff. The exhibition opens on February 15, 2019.
Some 48 artists from diverse backgrounds react to 1948, the year of Israel's founding. Opens December 1, 2018.
New exhibition of the works of Moshe Kupferman, which I helped curate. November 9-December 29, 2018.
A talk about my water-related work, to take place on July 25 at the Sachne-Gan Hashlosha nature reserve.
Paintings with images of immersion and water in the Mashiv HaRuach poetry journal.
The presentation to doctoral students took place on May 5, 2018.
Studio Dreams, my new exhibition, opens December 1 at the Maalot Arts Center.
The work of four artists engaged in a dialogue with images from art history. Opens September 9 in Kiryat Tivon.
Group exhibition of life drawings in Jerusalem. August 18-September 14, 2017.
He and I (2008) appears on the cover of Shulamit Kitzis' new book.
I will be presenting my research on the sketchbooks of Moshe Kupferman at the Student Research Symposium in Jerusalem, May 16 -17, 2017
Group exhibition focusing on Jewish Israeli women's responses to their religious and female identity, opening April 4, 2017, at 6:00 PM at Ben-Gurion University in Beer Sheva
A group exhibition in honor of International Women's Day, opening March 16 at 8:00 PM at the Modiin Artists' House.
The Way to Jerusalem: group exhibition in Sachnin, bringing together Jewish, Christian and Moslem artists.
Presentation on my work in a series of artists' talks at Kibbutz Gvat.
Group show in Jerusalem featuring some of my Galilee landscapes, through January 2017.
A short talk by me on the signature of Moshe Kupferman, as it developed in his sketchbooks. The Jerusalem Art Conference, Monday September 19, from 7:30 PM at the Museum of Islamic Art.
A selection of paintings from 1999-2016 on view at the Schechter Institute, Jerusalem. The exhibition closes on November 20.
A lecture about my work at the Schechter Institute on January 12, 2016, at 3:00 PM.
I invite you to the Jerusalem Bienalle , where I will be exhibiting in three group shows: A Fine…
An article by David Sperber on the work of Ruth Kestenbaum Ben-Dov, Nehama Golan and Andi Arnovitz, has appeared in the new international journal, Studies in Visual Arts and Communication.
I invite you to Elul Fruits: Art as Renewed Midrash, a group exhibition which includes two paintings of…
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